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The United Effort Finds Services Others May Not Look For!

Nord’s story with the United Effort began in April 2024, when Nord visited Hope’s Corner for the first time to get a meal with his friend Jim, who recommended that Nord talk with us about finding housing and benefits. “I had experienced homelessness on and off since 2016, but the tides started to turn when Wei and Claire, volunteers at the United Effort, listened and followed up on every detail to help me.”

“During their intake process, I was asked a question other people hadn’t asked - whether I had ever been in the service; was I a veteran.”  I said, “Well, only for a short time in 1997, but I had to leave due to a medical discharge”. That was it!  Wei, a volunteer with the United Effort, said “That counts!” “I didn’t realize that my time with the US Coast Guard counted as being a Veteran!”

Nord served for too short a time period to be eligible for VA healthcare. As advised by the VA, we submitted the VA 10-10EZ form (Application for Health Benefits) on Saturday May 4th to find out if he is eligible for HUD-VASH voucher.  By Monday May 6th the VA called Wei to confirm Nord's eligibility for HUD-VASH. Two days later we met with Nord, helped him complete a HUD-VASH referral worksheet, and sent it to the VA. Within a week – by May 15 – the VA contacted Nord to tour an apartment building he is assigned to! “I couldn’t believe the United Effort helped move all that along within about 10 days”, said Nord.

The United Effort doesn’t stop with one success though. Each client is unique and we look for other programs they may be eligible for. For Nord, we helped him apply for a VTA UPLIFT bus pass and get a free Lifeline phone. “Claire, another volunteer at The United Effort, helped me apply for CalFresh and Medi-Cal through BenefisCal, and even helped me apply for a free YMCA membership because I have Santa Clara Family Health Plan under Medi-Cal. Claire and Wei made everything so one-stop easy!  The United Effort was so efficient compared to other organizations I’d gone to. In fact, back in 2022, I received services from another group helping homeless people, but nothing seemed to happen.The United Effort had several volunteers helping, and they know their stuff; it seemed to accelerate getting assistance and benefits!”

“Wei was appropriately (but politely) pushy, convincing me to at least try to go through the process to see if I qualify for HUD-VASH. I’m so glad she asked, and that she was willing to help me. It was a turning point for me.”

“A bit about my back story, in case it also helps others. As a child, I was diagnosed with autism - Aspergers actually - and I’m really good at figuring out how to make things work, without prior knowledge, by analyzing details. I was good in school, but with Asperger's, I often had trouble focusing. I went to college and was just a few credits short of my bachelor's degree when I ran out of funds. I spent a lot of time taking care of my parents; first, my mom, then my dad, who both have since passed away.”  

“I’ve always tried to work: I trained as a phlebotomist. I’ve worked in hospitality as a server and bartender. I’ve also worked on political campaign initiatives, though that requires more travel than I want to do these days.”

When there wasn’t enough work, Nord began sleeping in his van, until he had to give that up. “I started couch-surfing at friends' places, but mostly I’ve been in and out of shelters, working when I could find work. But it’s extremely hard to earn enough money for rent in Silicon Valley.”

"Now that things are getting better and I’ll be housed soon, I hope to finish my Bachelor’s degree.”  We, at the United Effort, know you are capable of great things, Nord!

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